ERISA at 45

In 2024, Faegre Drinker is celebrating the 50th anniversary of ERISA! Please click here for ERISA at 50 resources and information.

The Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) was signed into law by President Ford on Labor Day, September 2, 1974. Created to protect the interests of plan participants, ERISA set standards for the operation of private retirement and health plans. Among other issues, ERISA required plan sponsors to provide information to participants, establish standards of conduct by fund managers, and create enforcement provisions to ensure funds are protected and that qualifying participants receive benefits even in the case of bankruptcy.

After 45 years and many amendments, ERISA governs the operation of millions of benefits plans covering well over 100 million workers and beneficiaries. In our limited series podcast, ERISA at 45, we’ll take a closer look at ERISA today, how evolving legal issues affect employers, and what plan sponsors and service providers need to know to effectively comply with the law.



Hosted by Sarah Bassler Millar and featuring partners from Faegre Drinker’s Benefits and Executive Compensation Group, this limited series podcast will examine the trends and impact of ERISA over the past 45 years, and the key issues companies should be aware of in the years to come. Released throughout the month of September, each podcast will explore ERISA from the perspective of litigation trends, plan sponsors and service providers as fiduciaries, legislative and regulatory developments, retirement plan and welfare plan compliance, executive compensation, and more.

Recent Podcasts

Anticipated Legislative & Regulatory Developments – Brad Campbell & Sarah Bassler Millar

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Health & Welfare Plan Litigation – Kim Jones & Sarah Bassler Millar

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Health & Welfare Plan Compliance – Summer Conley & Sarah Bassler Millar

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ESOPs – Jeremy Pelphrey & Sarah Bassler Millar

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Retirement Plan Litigation – Kim Jones & Sarah Bassler Millar

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Executive Compensation – Mona Ghude and Sarah Bassler Millar

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Retirement Plans – Heather Abrigo & Sarah Bassler Millar

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