IRS Says Employer Shared Responsibility Payment Not Subject to Statute of Limitations

The IRS Office of Chief Counsel recently issued a memorandum ( that responded with a resounding “No” to the question of whether an employer shared responsibility payment (ESRP) imposed under Internal Revenue Code §4980H is subject to any statute of limitations on assessment.

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2019 ACA Information Reporting: IRS Extends Deadline and Good Faith Relief

In IRS Notice 2019-63, the IRS extended the deadline to March 2, 2020, for employers and health insurance providers to provide individuals with 2019 Forms 1095-B and 1095-C (previous date was January 31, 2020). Nonetheless, the IRS encourages employers and other coverage providers to furnish 2019 statements as soon as possible.

Below is background on the information reporting requirements added by the Affordable Care Act (“ACA”) under Internal Revenue Code sections 6055 and 6056:

IRS Announces 2020 Dollar Limits for Employee Benefit Plans

The IRS has announced the dollar limits for contributions and benefits in retirement plans and certain deferred compensation plans for 2020. We have compiled a chart summarizing the key limits below, including how they compare with those in the previous year. Plan sponsors should confirm with their recordkeepers that all systems have been updated to reflect the 2020 limits.

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IRS Limited Expansion of Determination Letter Program

On September 1, 2019, the IRS reopened its determination letter program for two types of individually designed retirement plans: statutory hybrid plans and merged plans. For a detailed review of this limited expansion of the determination letter program, see our client alert, “IRS Announces Limited Expansion of the Determination Letter Program for Individually Designed Plans.”

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